Dale DeBakcsyJun 23, 2023MathematicsHypatia of Alexandria: Philosopher, Mathematician, Political Casualty.
Dale DeBakcsyJun 21, 2023ChemistryCasualty of Marriage: The Tragedy of Clara Immerwahr, Germany's first Woman Doctor of Chemistry
Dale DeBakcsyJun 19, 2023Psychology & NeuroscienceMary Ainsworth, Infant Anxiety, and the Case of the “Strange Situation”
Dale DeBakcsyJun 14, 2023Animal BehaviorAdventures in Chimpland: The Revolutionary Primatology of Jane Goodall.
Dale DeBakcsyJun 12, 2023Archaeology & AnthropologyOur Neighbor, Australopithecus: The Anthropology of Mary Leakey
Dale DeBakcsyJun 5, 2023Archaeology & AnthropologyHow a Culture is Born: The Groundbreaking Anthropology of Ruth Benedict.
Dale DeBakcsyJun 5, 2023EnvironmentalismDame Daphne Sheldrick and the Half Century Struggle to Save the Elephants of Kenya.
Dale DeBakcsyJun 2, 2023BiologyEugenie “The Shark Lady” Clark and the Grim Truths of Early Marine Biology.
Dale DeBakcsyJun 1, 2023PhysicsCorralling the Light Elements: The Nuclear Spectroscopy of Fay Ajzenberg-Selove
Dale DeBakcsyMay 31, 2023EngineeringBiplanes, Airships, and Submarines: A Talk with Dr. Nina Baker About the Legacy of Hilda Lyon.
Dale DeBakcsyMay 24, 2023The Totally Improbable, Completely True Life of Betsi Cadwaladr, Welsh War Nurse
Dale DeBakcsyMay 23, 2023PhysicsQuantizing the Nucleus: Maria Goeppert-Mayer and the Creation of Nuclear Shell Theory